West Coast Life Insurance Company

  • Rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best, 2nd highest of 16 ratings*
  • A subsidiary of Protective Life Corporation
  • Established in 1906
  • Headquartered in Omaha NE
  • Over $30 billion in total assets*
Company Information

West Coast Life Insurance Company
9140 West Dodge Road
Omaha, NE 68114 | NAIC #70335

In 1997, West Coast Life Insurance Company became a member of the Protective Life Insurance Family. West Coast Life added its excellent reputation in the insurance industry amongst the brokerage community and, of course policyholders, to the growing list of the Protective Life family.

West Coast Life Insurance Company was founded in 1906, and Protective Life Insurance Company was founded in 1907. The two companies have forged the experience of over 200 years in the life insurance business in America. West Coast Life's history includes more company "firsts" than most other companies can even imagine. And since 1997, West Coast Life has grown to be the crown jewel of the Protective Life family.

Their excellent reputation is based in part on these pre-eminent values - quickness to respond, quality, serving our people, and growth. In their quickness to respond, serving their policyholders and the brokerage community, they adopted Protective Life's Five Cardinal Principles, which have given them the communication tools and framework to make quality an integral part of their company.

These principles are:

  1. Focus on the customer.
  2. Continuously improve.
  3. Equip, empower, and liberate people, and trust their capability and willingness to improve.
  4. Concentrate on the long term, the whole process, and the team.
  5. Use statistical analysis to understand and continuously improve the process.

West Coast Life Insurance Company is licensed to solicit business in every state and the District of Columbia except for New York.

West Coast Life Insurance Company is responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations.

Protective Life Insurance Company has no financial responsibility for the products issued by West Coast Life Insurance Company.

*Independent Ratings
The most prominent independent rating agencies continue to recognize West Coast Life Insurance Company in terms of insurer financial strength and stability. These ratings represent the independent rating agencies' opinion of the insurer's financial strength and stability, as well as the ability to meet ongoing obligations to policyholders, and is not an implied warranty of the company's ability to meet its financial obligations. As of January 1, 2006, West Coast Life Insurance Company (Omaha, NE ) has insurer financial strength ratings of A+ (Superior, 2nd highest of 15 ratings) from A.M. Best, AA (Very Strong, 3rd highest of 21 ratings) from Standard & Poor's, AA- (Very Strong, 4th highest of 22 ratings) from Fitch, and Aa3 (Excellent, 4th highest of 21 ratings) from Moody's Investors Services. Each of these independent rating agencies has assigned its rating based on a variety of factors, including West Coast Life's operating performance, asset quality, financial flexibility, and capitalization and relationship to its parent company, Protective Life Insurance Company. For current insurer financial strength ratings, please consult:


Protective Life Corporation figures as of 12/31/06

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